Saturday, May 22, 2010


During Aurangabad tour, my friend asked me, “What could be the reason for moon-phase?” I have asked the same question to many of friends, but nobody could answer the exact reason, except this. That befuddlement, lead me to learn the rudiments of EARTH. So I dipped into “A Brief History of Time” that ignited an interest to know about our (human) evolution so I skimmed “Human Evolution and its Uniqueness”.
Stephen Hawking in his book “A Brief History of Time”, discussed about how the earth formed from solar nebula, the probabilities of “Big Bang”, nature of “Black Holes”, evolution of earth w.r.t “Space Time” and composition of earth with various factors of Universe, how human beings formed from the star dust, probability of life on outer-space and nevertheless existence of GOD!!! Apart from the book he wrote, the author himself is an inspiring persona to know about.
C.V.Rao, specialized in physics from Andhra University, presented the human evolution on a large canvas with broad strokes about the evolution of mankind, in his “Human Evolution and its Uniqueness”. The book dealt with the concept of “cosmic evolution”, “origin of life on earth”, various phases of human evolution like “Homo Erectus”, “Neandertals”, ”Cro-Magnon”,  “Homo Sapiens” and about their respective living conditions, life style in a detailed manner.
There may be ocean full of concepts about evolution of Universe, these books lead me to understand a tiny drop of it and increased my interest in anthropology.

1 comment:

  1. Some how your book shelf is looking same as mine when I was in Mumbai.. Since you have read Code Book I would suggest you to read Fermat's Enigma by Simon Singh. Another master piece
